Friday, May 27, 2011

Reflection on Career Genogram for Field Assignment #1- Week 5

Tonight I just completed the Career Genogram (which took quite a long time to get it perfect J) and I realized how much I loved doing the activity after the project was over. My family has always been so important to me and the fact that I had to do so much research with my mom by my side was very interesting and fulfilling. After my father passed away in 2003 we haven’t talked too much about his side of the family just for emotional reasons. This project brought to light a lot of little known facts about my dad’s side of the family because of the research that we had to do to find out their history.

I feel this project will benefit me with my career counseling with children because I realized a lot of my family work history and values are the same values that I have today with different endeavors that I choose to embark in. This helped me reinstate the fact that I want to be a counselor because I can help the students realize their full potential in their work and career force. The students will benefit from my career counseling sessions and will continue to be reminded how they need to keep a positive outlook on life with my guidance.